Michele Orbolato

Michele Orbolato head sommelier Thesleff Group Los Mochis and Sale e Pepe

Uncorked: Michele Orbolato

By Joe Lutrario

The head sommelier at Los Mochis and Sale e Pepe owner Thesleff Group on Semillon, Angelo Gaja and Patagonia-based producer Matias Riccitelli.

Michele Orbolato head sommelier at D&D London’s Le Pont de la Tour and Le Pont de la Tour Bistrot restaurants

Uncorked: Michele Orbolato

By Joe Lutrario

The head sommelier at D&D London’s Le Pont de la Tour and the recently launched Le Pont de la Tour Bistrot on Piedmont-based wine superstar Angelo Gaja and wines from Spain’s Bierzo DOP.